# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 project('uvc-gadget', 'c', 'cpp', meson_version : '>= 0.56', version : '0.2.0', default_options : [ 'werror=true', 'warning_level=2', 'cpp_std=c++17', ], license : 'LGPL 2.1+') # Generate version information. The uvc_gadget_git_version variable contains the # full version with git patch count and SHA1 (e.g. 1.2.3+211-c94a24f4), while # the uvc_gadget_version variable contains the major.minor.patch (e.g. 1.2.3) # only. If the source tree isn't under git control, or if it matches the last # git version tag, the build metadata (e.g. +211-c94a24f4) is omitted from # uvc_gadget_git_version. uvc_gadget_git_version = run_command('scripts/gen-version.sh', meson.project_build_root(), meson.project_source_root(), check: false).stdout().strip() if uvc_gadget_git_version == '' uvc_gadget_git_version = meson.project_version() endif uvc_gadget_version = uvc_gadget_git_version.split('+')[0] # A shallow clone, or a clone without a reachable tag equivalent to the # meson.project_version() could leave the project in a mis-described state. # Produce a warning in this event, and fix to a best effort. if uvc_gadget_version != meson.project_version() warning('The sources disagree about the version: ' + uvc_gadget_version + ' != ' + meson.project_version()) summary({'uvc-gadget git version' : uvc_gadget_git_version, 'Source version match' : false, }, bool_yn : true, section : 'Versions') # Replace the version components reported by git with the release version, # but keep all trailing information supplied by git. uvc_gadget_git_version = (meson.project_version() + uvc_gadget_git_version.strip(uvc_gadget_version)) uvc_gadget_version = meson.project_version() # Append a marker to show we have modified this version string uvc_gadget_git_version += '-nvm' endif summary({ 'Sources': uvc_gadget_git_version, }, section : 'Versions') # Configure the build environment. cc = meson.get_compiler('c') libcamera = dependency('libcamera', required : false) conf = configuration_data() if libcamera.found() conf.set('HAVE_LIBCAMERA', true) endif configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : conf) config_includes = include_directories('.') subdir('include') subdir('lib') subdir('src')